Special Cost Handling

As soon as you acquire a resource, it begins to accrue cost.

Unless obtained in the move logic, ProModel charges the "Cost per use" for a resource to the location that obtained it. Resources obtained in the move logic do not charge a "per use" cost to any location.

ProModel does not charge any resource time used during move logic to any location.

ProModel adds initial entity costs defined in the cost module only as entity costs, not location costs.

If a location uses a resource during a downtime, the location accrues that resource’s cost.

The USE statement counts as operation and resource cost.

When you CREATE a new entity, it begins with new time statistics and an initial cost.

If you RENAME an entity, previous time statistics and costs continue with the entity.

The SPLIT AS statement divides the cost of the original entity between all entities. Each new entity begins with new time statistics.